Thursday, December 29, 2011

day 7.5: underground performance

We finally spotted the sign 'The Moustache Brothers' and a man who couldn't speak English led us to the backstreet behind a BBQ restaurant.

"The show starts at 8.30pm," says another man. "Come early about 8.10pm if you want a good seat or you can reserve by buying tickets now." I wanted to watch it for sure, so Bun paid him 16,000 kyat for two of us and we got a name card with some scribbling on the reverse as a ticket in return.

The man who sold us the tickets turned out to be Lu Maw, the only English-speaking member of the Moustache Brothers. He was the lead for the entirely entertaining and hilarious 1.5 hours live comedy.

Our favourite parts were the anti-government jokes. This was also why the other two members Par Par Lay and Lu Saw were arrested and jailed.

When Lu Maw is not making fun of the corrupted and greedy Burmese government, traditional folk dances were performed by the sister and wives of the trio.

Lu Maw is extremely proud of his 42-year-old wife who was the 'Cover Girl' of an early edition of Lonely Planet.

Now in their early 60s, I wonder how long they would continue this show. In the meantime, the police leaves them alone as long as they continue to attract tourist dollars. Tonight was full-house with about 20 audience.

This is definitely worth your 8,000 kyat if you are in Mandalay. Shows go on every night at 8.30pm, be there early otherwise you might need to stand or squeeze in the back row. Bring mosquito repellent too.

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